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Business Case

The largest companies in the world have now turned the corner and recognize that those with the most diverse workforce and those with the most diverse supply base have better outcomes. This outcome stems from the innovation and profitability associated with new and different ways of solving problems brought forward by diverse input.

The major issue confronting diverse suppliers is not knowing the success secrets in addressing the supply chain requirements and value drivers of these companies. The Business Partner Blueprint was created to level the competitive playing field so that diverse businesses can participate in this input and win the big corporate contracts.

The largest companies in the world have supplier diversity programs that actively look to do business with minority and/or women owned business. In different parts of the world minority typically includes any group historically underserved and underrepresented in the corporate supply chain. In the United States, it includes Black/African American, Hispanic American, Asian American, Indian American and Native American owned businesses. Diversity as well has been expanded to include Gay, Lesbian, Veteran and Disabled business owners in some countries. It is clear a global movement to increase the participation of diverse groups is gaining momentum and making a huge difference in corporate profits. It too is clear that more diverse businesses are doing what it takes to get these contracts so that they can fulfill the missions of their heart based businesses. This allows diverse businesses to make a difference in the lives of their families, communities and causes we hold dear.

We believe that the Business Partner Blueprint is an essential tool in any business survival kit. The challenge today is that diverse business owners don’t know what we don’t know. Learning what we don’t know allows us to create solutions we can’t yet imagine!

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